
Procedure and Rules Event Managers Register

Ultimate Frisbee is a team sport for girls and boys, men and women. It is played with a disc (Frisbee) instead of a ball. The objective of the game is to catch the disc in the end zone of the opponent, similar to American Football. Although there is a lot of running involved physical, contact is not allowed and is considered a foul. When a player is fouled the play stops. If the opponent agrees it was a foul the fouled-upon player gets the disc and the play continues. If not, the disc goes back to the thrower. This unique approach works! Even at world championships, where there are teams from 30+ countries, there are no referees. The game, which is physically challenging, is all about fair play, personal responsibility and most of all fun!

Procedure and Rules


Start of the Game

The winner of the coin (or Frisbee) toss determines whether it will start on offence or decides what end zone to defend first. Next, both teams (5 players on each team) line up on the front of their respective end zone line. The defence throws the disc to the offense and the game begins.

Movement of the disc and the players

The disc can be thrown from one player to another in any direction. A player may not run with the disc in hand. The person with the disc in hand has 10 seconds to throw the disc to a team mate. The defender guarding the thrower counts the seconds out loud ("stall one, stall two, stall three...").

Change of possession

A turnover results whenever one of the following items occur:

Upon a turnover the defence immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense


A goal, worth 1 point, is scored when a player throws the disc to a teammate and it is successfully caught in the end zone of the other team. Play is initiated after each score. Games are played until a team reaches an agreed number of points (usually 13 points) or a time limit (usually 30-40 minutes).

Initiate Play

Each new point begins again with both teams lining up on the front of their respective end zone line with the team that just scored throwing the disc to the other team.

Player Substitutions

A player can only be substituted after a score was made and the teams are lining up, or if a player is injured. No other substitutions can take place while the point is in progress.


Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact sport and when a player initiates contact on another player a foul is committed.

No referees

All fouls are called by the player(s) involved. When a foul results in loss of possession, the play is stopped and resumed as if possession was not lost. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone.

Spirit of the game

Ultimate Frisbee is all about sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, or the basic joy of play.

Event Managers


Ms. Y
Ph:- +91-1234567890

Mr. X
Ph:- +91-1234567890

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